
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Fashionable Home Decoration With $100


          If you’ve been itching to renovate or redecorate your home, but it is quite difficult for you when you have not enough money. Gutting the master bath or completely upgrading the kitchen might be possible when you can still make some decorating changes that will have a big impact – for less than $100 a project. Here are six ideas for simple, easy, budget-friendly changes are given below-

          1. From the beginning give the front door a fresh coat of paint. If you live in a community with a homeowner’s association, then you may be required to repaint the door in its original color. But if you choose painting it red or white. Not only is it eye-catching and cheerful, red or white on a door is considered good luck in the ancient Chinese tradition.

          2. Secondly add solar lights along flower beds or the walk leading up to your front door. Solar lights are not only eco-friendly, they create a gentle and welcoming glow at night. Most designs are as easy to install as pushing a stake into the ground. Buy them item at a club or discount store and you may pay as little as $50 for a set of lights.

          3. Thirdly in the kitchen, give cabinets a good scrub. You may not realize how dingy accumulated grime can make wood cabinets appear. After you clean them, switch out old hardware with new, chic handles and pulls. With home improvement stores carrying a wide variety, it’s not impossible to replace all your kitchen cabinet hardware for well under $100.

          4. A decorative wallpaper add your wall. A favorite technique of interior designers, wallpaper murals can go virtually anywhere – kitchen, bedroom, dining room, bath, or even you can use on an outdoor patio. They’re easy to install, and you’ll find a range of murals by Environmental Graphics at – all for less than $100, and many for as little as $80.

          5. If your wood floor is scratched and shabby, or your carpet is stained and smelly, it’s unlikely you could refinish the floor or replace the carpet for less than $100. But you can paint the entire wood floor, or add a painted border for that price. It’s also possible to paint a design on the carpet, or rip it up and paint the wooden floor beneath it. You’ll probably need a gallon or two of paint, depending on the size of the room, so your costs will range around $50 to $75.

          6. Finally Artwork is a great way to dress up any room. Create a meaningful, personalized gallery in your own kitchen by buying several frames in varying sizes and shapes at your local dollar, home goods or crafts store. Paint them all the same color and fill them with hand-written recipes collected from family members. Ask contributors to write out their favorite recipe on the paper of their choice – or provide them with eye-catching paper and colorful pens.

          With some creativity, elbow grease – and less than $100 – it’s possible to make simple decorating changes that will help your home look like a million bucks.


  1. I believe it's impossible to set up a nice home under 100$.

  2. I like this topic and the article because I am very interested in decorating house. In fact, I should say that it is my hobby. I always like to collect different ideas of how to decorate a house. Thanks a million for this beautiful article.

  3. a very useful article for everyone. I think this article is very useful for people who want to learn about how we can have Fashionable Home Decoration With $100..thank you very much
    useful tips and it's of great value to many pepole !! , guess i'll share the info here with a friend who want to learn about this ..thank you very much for your article

  4. wow! great topics. But how it possible withing $100?

  5. well imformation is too good..i cant beleive my budget can be 100$...thanx 4 proving too useful tips....tfs

  6. i like how it is presented cause it really gives good tips to decorate house in affordable way.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. always like to collect different ideas of how to decorate a house. Nice tips for home decoration. thanks for sharing.

  9. You know what? I've been into fashion stuff most especially if it is about home decoration. I've been wanting to renovate some parts of the house but it's kind of difficult because of the budget. But with your tips, it gives me an idea on how i should deal with it. Thanks!

  10. Wow ! you have given a very nice article on home decoration and that too for cheap value of just $100 and it's really a nice article i enjoyed

  11. always like to collect different ideas of how to decorate a house. Nice tips for home decoration. thanks for sharing

  12. this are great things to know when innovating homes specially for tight budget and crisis time in finances like this time.

  13. The article was really Good with required information i need to say thanks to the writer as my friend was in search of like this article i will shurely share your blog with him so that he can gather some more information which he needs

  14. I Am Interested in Home I like this article.After reading this article I have got lots of idea.Thanks for such a wonderfull article.

  15. Yes ,it`s a interesting article and I send now this link for a architect friend Thank you !

  16. Perhaps if I only live where you are living now, a $100 or less worth of renovation inside my house would be possible. It's just that where I'm living, almost everything is expensive, including education :(. Sad facts but your article made me smile. It's interesting and inspiring.

  17. My hobby is to decorate my house to my own mind. Sites visited by me are most of the decorative. So this site is one of my chosen. It has expanded beauty of my mind.
